Category: Open-Calls

  • Open-Call 03 : Noise [Music] Pieces

    Open-Call 03 : Noise [Music] Pieces

    “Open-Call 03 : Noise Music” We are announcing our third open call for art with a deadline until the 31st July, in 2020. In this open call, artists across the media (text, sound ,video) are invited to submit audio, video and text-based work for the next compilation album, and/or to be included in the archive…

  • Open-Call 02: Extended Deadline

    Open-Call 02: Extended Deadline

    The submission-deadline for the 2nd “Noise A Noise” various-artists compilation album is extended until the end of March, 2019.

  • Open-Call 02

    Open-Call 02: Following the release and digital distribution of the the debut compilation album, we are planning for the second album for the Autumn (2019), that is going to appear as “Noise à Noise 19.2″. In this “Open-call 02”, artists are invited to submit their works to the label and here are the few of…

  • Open-Call 01

    Open-Call 01

    Open-Call 01: We invite composers and experimental music artists (also artists in the field of video) to submit their works for the digital distribution of a compilation album that we are considering to publish with the same name (Noise à Noise); This is an open call for artists, and here are a few of terms…